Can I Take My GED Online in Canada?

Canadian GED to be Replaced by CAEC

For detailed information about the transition in Canada from GED testing to the Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC), go to this page.

Online GED Classes from Onsego

Canadian Online GED/CAEC Classes – Fast and Easy

The Canadian GED® Test will be replaced with the CAEC exam on May 3, 2024. Onsego online classes prepare students for both tests.

Learn Just 1 Hour A Day.

Get Quickly Prepared To Pass The GED Test.

Though the Canadian GED test is, in most provinces, available in both computer-based and paper-based versions, online GED testing is not possible in Canada.

All Canadian provinces and territories recognize that students who passed the five Canadian GED® sub-exams have proven to command skills and knowledge at the same level as high school graduates.

The GED exam is predominantly multiple-choice. Only the essay part is in writing. The five GED sub-exams assess a student’s knowledge in the academic areas of Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts Writing, and Language Arts Reading.

GED testing is a challenge as the passing score is set at a level that compares to what high school students must know upon graduation. So getting well-prepared is key, and a good way to get all set fast is by following the Canadian online GED classes created by Onsego GED Prep.

The GED exam focuses not so much on how well students remember specific facts and dates but more on their ability to use provided information for evaluation and synthesizing purposes and for drawing conclusions.

To be able to write the GED exam, you’ll have to create an account at the website and register online. Here is how it works:

  • Go to the website and create your account.
  • Register for your GED exam with your province or territory registration form.
  • Schedule the GED exam on one of the possible dates that are provided.
  • Pay for your exam. The cost varies by province or territory, and in some regions, it is totally free. You can pay online with a credit card, but you can pay at your regional GED testing centers with a debit or credit card, and some locations accept cash as well.
  • Please keep in mind that you have to register online. At testing centers, this is NOT possible.

Check the following list for more information about GED testing in your province or territory:

Yukon Territory
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador