This post looks at Puerto Rico And U.S. Territories GED Requirements.
The GED exam consists of four independent GED subtests that can be taken online or at an official GED testing center.
Online GED Classes
Pass your GED test with ease,
it doesn’t matter when you left school
Bite-size video lessons | Practice tests with explanation | GED Skill Builders
Registration for the GED® exam or for the GED Ready® tests must be done online at
The GED (General Education Development) subtests cover the academic fields of Social Studies, Math, Language Arts, and Science.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.
The diploma that will be awarded when a candidate passes the four GED® modules provides certification that the holder commands skills at a level comparable to those of North American high school graduates.
Onsego offers a comprehensive GED online prep course that is recognized by GED Testing Service as being entirely aligned with the current GED exam.
Online learning offers lots of flexibility, but there are students who are better off under the guidance of a teacher. For these students, we have compiled a complete list of GED prep locations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Territories.
Please note that online GED testing requires you to first reach sufficient results of four GED Ready practice tests, one for each GED subtest. These practice tests cost $6.99 each, so that’ll be an additional $28!
Onsego Advantage Plan students will receive four GED Ready tests for FREE!
GED Online Classes
At Onsego, we know that for quite a few students, getting ready for the GED test is often a challenge, especially for those with busy schedules. So, we created a comprehensive GED prep course with many online GED classes (including quizzes) and practice tests.
The lessons are short and cover one GED topic at a time. This way, you’ll be able to squeeze your GED prep into your busy agenda. No longer will you have to learn in hours-long GED classes because you can learn with our short, bite-sized video lessons whenever you have a few minutes free.
Onsego’s prep course covers every topic on the GED test. Additionally, we’ll teach you effective techniques to find correct answers to even the most complicated GED questions.
GED Passing Score
GED testing occurs on a scale that runs from 100 to 200. The passing score is 145 on each individual subtest, and averaging is not possible.
Below Passing: 100 – 144
High school equivalency: 145 – 164
College-ready: 165 – 174
College-ready plus up to 10 college credits: 175 – 200.
Puerto Rico
Department of Education-Adult Ed. Agency
Calle Federico Costa, Piso 150, Hato Rey, PR 00919, Phone: (787) 773.4881/5800
Puerto Rico Higher Ed. Agency-Council on Education
Avenida Ponce de Leon 268, Edificio Hato Rey Ctr, Suite 15, Hato Rey, PR 00918, Phone: (787) 641.7100
Department of Education Administration Adult Education Services
PO Box 190759, San Juan, PR 00919-0759, Phone: (787) 759.2000 x 7625
GED Testing Center Puerto Rico:
Pearson Professional Center-Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Calle C 475 (DASE Bldg, Ste 502)
Los Frailes Industrial, Guaynabo 00969, Puerto Rico
Phone: (787) 523.0107
U.S. Territories, Insular Areas, and Associated States
Virgin Islands-St. Thomas
Department of Education Division of Adult Education
1834 Kongens Gade, St.Thomas, VI 00802, Phone: (340) 774-0100/775-2250
Raphael O. Wheatley Skill Center
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas 00802, U.S. Virgin Islands, Phone: 340-998-2730
Charlotte Amalie High School (ACE Program)
Alton Adams Sr. Drive, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, U.S. Virgin Islands, Phone: 340-774-0780, ext. 4526 (after 5 p.m.)
GED Testing Center
State Office of Career, Technical & Adult Ed.
#3 Krystal Gade, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802
U.S. Virgin Islands, Phone: 340-776-3484
In the U.S. Virgin Islands, you must be a resident to qualify for GED testing. The minimum age here is 16, but test-takers 16 and 17 years of age may also qualify if they meet strict requirements. Here, the GED total cost is $144 or $36 per subject test. Online GED testing may be more expensive.
Before you can sit for the four GED tests, you must attain a “Likely to pass” result on the GED Ready practice test available at for $6.99 each. There are four GED Ready tests, one for each of the four subject tests.
Onsego’s Advantage Plans include four GED Ready practice tests for free!
Online GED Testing
The organization behind the GED exam, GED Testing Service, has introduced a proctored, online version of the test. To read more about the online GED exam, <- check here.
Virgin Islands-St. Croix
Department of Education Division of Adult Education
2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820, Phone: 340-773-1095/778-1600
Testing Center Information:
Raphael O. Wheatley Skill Center
00802 Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands, Phone: 340-998-2730
American Samoa
American Samoa Department of Education Testing & Evaluation Office
Pago Pago, AS 96799, Phone: (684) 633-1431/4757
American Samoa Community College Adult Education
Mesepa, Western District 96799, American Samoa
P.O. Box 2609, Pago Pago, AS 96799, Phone: (684) 699-9155 ext. 437
GED prep classes are held on the ASCC campus and at several other locations. Please check the local media for details or contact the school. GED prep classes are available at no charge to qualifying students who are at least 16 years of age.
To be able to take the GED test in American Samoa, however, applicants must be residents and 17 years old. At the testing center, you must prove your residency center with a government-issued ID like a driver’s license or another proof of residency.
If you pass the GED exam, you’ll receive your high school equivalency diploma. This credential allows for a college education and will definitely lead to better employment. You cannot already hold a secondary education degree or be signed up for any other education program.
The GED has four testing fields (Literacy, Math, Social Studies, and Science). The GED exam will set you back $36 per subtest (or $144 in total) when taken at a test center.
GED Testing Center:
Pearson Professional Center-Pago Pago AS
Pago Plaza, Suite 222, Pago Pago 96799, American Samoa, Phone: 011-684-633-7873
Does this page require adjustments or updates? Should a prep or test facility be added? We appreciate your advice here. Thanks for your feedback!
Adult Education Centre
16 Dundonald Street, Hamilton, HM 12, Bermuda, Phone: (441) 292-5809/295-5151
C.A.R.E. Computer Services & Learning Centre
32, Mount Hill, Bermuda, Phone: (441) 292-0915
Bermuda College
21 Stonington Avenue, Bermuda, Phone: (441) 239-4049
In Bermuda, you must be a resident and at least 17 years of age. All test-takers are required to first take the GED Ready practice test and attain the “Likely To Pass” score before they can register for the GED. The four GED subtests are $75 each in Bermuda or $300 for the entire GED battery.
GED Testing Center:
Bermuda College
21 Stonington Avenue, Paget PG 04, Bermuda
Phone: 441-239-4087
Guam Community College Adult Education
1 Sesame Street, Mangilao, GU 96913, Phone: 011 (671) 735-5517
GED Test Examiner: Phone: 011 (671) 735-5566
In Guam, test-takers can take the GED exam. Applicants must be residents and at least 16 years old. The cost of GED testing in Guam is $37.25 per individual subject test or $149 in total.
GED Testing Center
Guam Community College (Mangilao Foundation Building, Room 6216)
1 Sesame Street, Mangilao 96913, Guam
Phone: 671-735-5625
Marshall Islands
College of The Marshall Islands
P.O. Box 1258, Majuro, MH 96960, Phone: 011 (692) 625-3394 or 011 (692) 625-4803
On the Marshall Islands, you must take and pass the five subject tests of the HiSET exam to earn your high school equivalency (HSE) diploma. The five HiSET tests are in English Writing, English Reading, Science, Math, and Social Studies.
Applicants are required to be Marshall Islands residents who are not enrolled in any educational activities and are no younger than 17. The HiSET passing standards are that you attain at least 8 points in each sub-test, an overall score of at least 45, and a minimum of 2 on the essay.
HiSET Testing Center:
College of the Marshall Islands
1258 Ocean Road-Uliga, Majuro, MH 96960
Phone: 692-625-4803
Federated States of Micronesia National Government
GED Administrator, P.O. Box PS 87, Kolonia, Pohnpei, FM 96941, Phone: 011 (691) 320-2609/2647/2302
College of Micronesia-FSM
Palikir, Pohnpei 96941, Federated States of Micronesia, Phone: 011 (691) 320-2102/2103
The General Education Development (GED) Project is offered at the College of Micronesia-FSM’s Pohnpei Campus. The GED project aims to increase the school’s enrollment and expand services to Micronesia’s rural communities.
Yap State Department of Education
P.O. Box 220, Yap FM 96943, Phone: 350-2150/2151
Kosrae State Department of Education
P.O. Box 218, Tofol, Kosrae FM 96944, Phone: 370-2045/3008
Chuuk State Department of Education
P.O. Box 1259, Weno, Chuuk FM 96942, Phone: 330-3410/3411
Northern Mariana Islands
Northern Marianas College Adult Basic Education
Finasisu Lane, Susupe, Saipan 96950, CNM, Phone: (670) 234-5498 x 1723
In the Mariana Islands, you can take the GED exam to earn your high school equivalency (HSE) diploma. Test-takers must be residents of the Mariana Islands and not be enrolled in any other school program or hold a high school diploma.
The minimum age is 17, though, for 17 & 18-year-olds, strict regulations apply. The GED costs $36 per subtest (so $144 in total). Online testing is more expensive.
Ministry of Education Adult Education Program
P.O. Box 189, Koror, Republic of Palau, PW 96940, Phone: 011 (680) 488-2811 ext. 230 or 291
Palau Community College Adult High School
P.O. Box 9, Koror, Republic of Palau 96940, Phone: 011 (680) 488-2470 |
Palau is using the HiSET for HSE (high school equivalency) testing. The HiSET exam measures knowledge at a level similar to that of high school graduates. The diploma that you’ll receive after passing the five HiSET subtests will surely lead to far better job options and open the doors of colleges and universities.
Applicants must have been Palau residents for at least 12 months, not be enrolled in another school program or already hold a high school degree, be at least 18 years old, and have been officially withdrawn from their school for no less than one year. HiSET testing in Palau costs $10 per subject test (so $50 in total) and a one-time $10 registration fee.
HiSET Testing Center:
Ministry Of Education – Adult Education Office
Central Office, 2nd Floor, Koror, Palau, PW 96940, US
Phone: 680-488-2811 ext. 293
Notice: Onsego is focused on providing exceptional online GED courses. We present the information in this post to help you on your GED preparation journey. However, confirming the above-listed details with official GED sources is essential for accuracy.