GED Idaho Requirements

You get your GED Idaho diploma if you pass 4 GED subject tests that cover Math, Language, Science, and Social Studies. The GED exam can be taken in an online format and at one of Idaho’s official GED test centers.

To qualify for the online GED® test, you will first have to attain likely to pass (“green”) scores on the GED Ready® official practice test.


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To register for the four GED sub-exams (if wished, one or more at a time), you need to create an account online on the website

GED Idaho Test Requirements

  • You cannot already hold a secondary education degree (high school or equivalent diploma).
  • You cannot be registered for another education program.
  • You cannot be under the age of 16.
  • Applicants 16 or 17 years old, however, need to meet more criteria. They must, for instance, be officially withdrawn from their school and hold school district permission as well as parental consent.
  • 16 and 17-year-old testers must submit an Idaho Youth Waiver Form. When the testing center has approved the Youth Waiver, they can schedule the exam. For more information, call the Idaho state office at (208) 605-4545.
  • There’s no Idaho residency requirement.

GED Idaho Price

Taking the Idaho GED test in person costs $36 for each individual subtest, so $144 for all four tests.

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If you take the exam online, the cost will also be $36 for each sub-exam, so $144 in total. You should, however, add the $28 that four GED Ready tests cost ($6.99 a piece), so your total will be $172. There’s a GED Ready test for each GED sub-exam.

Onsego Advantage students will receive 4 GED Ready tests for free.

Bear in mind that you can take one GED subtest at a time whenever you feel ready for it, and you only pay for what you take! Check out also our page with information about online GED testing in Idaho.

GED Idaho Online Classes

Preparing for the GED exam can be a challenge with your busy schedule. Onsego offers comprehensive online GED classes that help you squeeze in a prep course and achieve your goals.

Learning online means there’ll be no more waiting around for hours-long GED classes. Onsego’s GED program includes short video lessons that address GED topics one at a time in bite-sized chunks.

Onsego’s short, engaging lessons cover every detail that’s on the GED exam, and we’ll also teach you a few strong strategies to produce correct answers to even complex GED questions. You can go over the study material time and again until you understand it.

The Online GED Test

So today, GED hopefuls can take the GED exam online as well. It used to be that the GED exam could only be taken at an official Idaho GED test center, but now, that has changed. To qualify for online testing, applicants must attain “Likely to Pass” (green) scores on the GED Ready practice tests.

The GED Ready tests (there’s one for each subject test) are available at for $6.99 each. So, as said before, you can add $28 to your total cost of taking the GED exam online, except when you sign up for one of Onsego’s Advantage Plans, which include four GED Ready tests at no cost. For more details, go to -> introducing the online GED test.

GED Idaho Prep – How To Start

Taking a few GED practice tests is most likely the most effective way of starting with your GED preparation. If you do this, you’ll learn all about your academically stronger and weaker points so you can center on those subject areas that require your attention most.

If you use Onsego’s free video lessons and practice tests, you’ll also be able to learn if online learning, in general, and the Onsego GED prep course, in particular, is a good fit for you.

FAQ About GED In Idaho

How to get a GED in Idaho?

If you are looking to earn your GED high school equivalency (HSE) diploma in Idaho, you’ll have to pass the four separate tests of the GED exam. The four subtests (modules) are computer-based and cover the academic areas of Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts.

What are the Idaho GED testing requirements?

The GED test offers people who never completed high school the chance to earn an equivalent degree. In Idaho, GED testers must be at least 16 years old. For 16-17-year-old applicants, however, extra requirements apply. There’s no residency requirement in Idaho, nor do test-takers first have to attend a prep course or pass a practice test.

What is the GED Idaho cost?

The entire GED Idaho exam will set you back $144 (or $36 per subtest) if you sit for the exam at one of Idaho’s state-designated testing facilities. Taken online, the full GED exam will set you back $144 as well ($36 per subject test), but you should also take into account the cost of taking four GED Ready tests (in total, $28), totaling $172. Onsego Advantage students get four GED Ready tests for free.

You have the option to register and pay for the four GED tests one at a time. To register and schedule the tests, you must set up your account on the website When taking the GED test at a test center, you will have two retakes per subject at a reduced rate. This does NOT apply to online testing!

Caution: Onsego’s aim is to facilitate your GED study with our quality online resources. While we offer this information to aid your preparation, cross-checking with official sources is advised for the most accurate details.