Here, we explain how to track your progress with Onsego. When you start learning with Onsego, your progress is saved automatically. You don’t need to do anything—your progress updates every time you watch a video, take a quiz, or complete a practice test.
This progress is shown as a dynamic bar at the beginning of each subject course. The bar displays the percentage of content you’ve completed and the date of your latest activities. Below the bar, you’ll find the Resume Learning button, which lets you quickly pick up where you left off.
Online GED Classes
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Sometimes, students ask if they can repeat quizzes and whether they earn extra points for doing so. You can repeat quizzes and lessons as many times as you want, but you won’t get extra points for repeating them. That’s because our system treats lessons and quizzes as steps.

Each lesson and quiz is a separate step, and you move forward by completing one step after another until you reach the end. If you repeat a step, the progress bar stays in the same position.
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However, don’t worry about it—preparing for the GED test isn’t a sprint; it takes as long as it takes. If repeating a quiz multiple times helps you, go for it!
Each time you take a quiz, your result is saved in our system. You can compare your initial and repeated quiz results on the front page.