Illinois students wishing to earn a GED diploma can take the Illinois GED online. To qualify, however, for online testing, they first need to attain “green” (likely to pass) results on the official GED Ready test.
There is a GED Ready® practice test for each of the four GED® sub-exams. To sign up for the GED Ready or the GED exam, students will have to set up an account through the website
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.
In Illinois, successful GED test-takers will now receive a high school diploma rather than a high school equivalency diploma.
To earn a GED in Illinois, applicants are also required to pass the state’s Constitution Test.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.
Illinois GED Online Cost [Reduced]
Recently, the Illinois College Board reduced the GED testing fees so that more state residents can complete their GEDs. The price for all 4 GED subject tests is $32 when taken online or at a test center.
However, as said before, to qualify for online testing, you need to pass the GED Ready test, which you can purchase on the official website for $6.99 each.
As an Onsego Advantage student, you receive 4 GED Ready tests for free.
If you take the Illinois GED test in person at a testing center, the reduced cost for the full GED battery is $32 as well.
Test-takers should use the code ILSAVE26 upon checkout at the website when paying for (one of the) GED subtests. Bear in mind, however, that funding is limited, so please check if it is still available.
Illinois GED Online Classes
We realize that life may, at times, be pretty hectic, so we have designed complete online GED classes that include short, bite-sized, and engaging lessons. You have the chance to watch these lessons whenever you have just a few free minutes.
Onsego’s online GED classes will teach you everything you must know to pass the GED exam. Our program covers all GED topics, so you don’t need to worry that you’ll miss anything.
What’s On The GED Test?
The GED contains four modular tests that cover the academic fields of Social Studies, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Reasoning through Language Arts.
GED Scoring
GED scoring happens on a 100-200 scale, and below passing is 100-144. High school equivalency: 145-164. College-ready: 165-174. College-ready + credit: 175-200.
How To Register For The GED Test
When you take the GED tests, you can take one at a time, and you only need to pay for the part(s) you take.
GED registration, test scheduling, and payments are made online at, where you must set up your account with the portal MyGED.
How To Prepare For The GED Test
Illinois doesn’t require you to first take a prep course, but the GED is a challenging assessment, so it is strongly advised to get perfectly prepared.
You can attend a prep class in your area or learn from study books from your community library or local bookstore.
A faster and more efficient way, however, is by getting all set online through a well-structured course, for example, the online GED classes from Onsego. See also our page about GED eligibility requirements in Illinois.
As stated earlier, the Illinois GED test is available online (for qualifying students) or at one of Illinois’ state-designated testing centers in person. If you require any accommodation, please apply timely on the GED official website To apply for GED accommodations, you can also go to
It’s All About YOUR Future
The diploma that the State of Illinois awards upon successful completion of the GED exam is equivalent to a conventional high school diploma. Employers, colleges and universities accept the diploma in the same way as a high school credential.
The fact of the matter is that workers with a secondary education degree (high school or equivalent diploma) will make, on average, at least $9,600 more annually than workers without the credential. So you see, earning your GED will really pay off, right? And don’t forget that your GED allows for a college education as well.
Notification: Onsego is one of America’s leading creators of online GED programs. We strive to offer the most accurate and up-to-date information. Nonetheless, we recommend you check the above-given information against official GED test sources to ensure accuracy.