Onsego Review by Yessenia

I am a 32 almost 33-year-old woman who thought for many years that I wouldn’t be able to get my GED. Why? Because I was very young when I had my firstborn child. At the time I was preparing for my GED test I was 18 and pregnant with my second child.

I finished preparing and had a Final test to take. I was so excited and proud of myself. Unfortunately, I moved to another state, and the father of my child didn’t take me to do the test and didn’t want to. I had no support or motivation for my GED. So I ended up giving up and always saying how much I wish I could have my GED.

By now, I have 5 kids. My oldest is going to be 18 and is in her last year of high school. Because of my kids and the Onsego website, I never gave up on the idea of completing my GED, but hard times hit even when I tried.

It always pushed me back down, but I pushed myself up, and with a website like this and understanding, I know I can do it. It’s never too late.
Onsego is amazing and so helpful. Try it, and I promise you will not regret it.
By Yessenia.