How Onsego’s GED Essay Checker Works

You’ve probably heard that a well-written GED essay (also known as an Extended Response) can help you pass the GED Language Arts test. So, let’s take a look at Onsego’s GED Essay Checker.

While there is nothing to fear, you should know that this essay is graded differently from what you’re used to.

Online GED Classes

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On the real GED test, your essay will not be reviewed by a teacher but by Artificial Intelligence (AI) software, so you need to learn how to write an essay favored by software.

Onsego Language Arts course and online GED classes include many lessons dedicated to writing an effective GED essay, including sample topics and a template.

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Onsego GED Prep also offers a GED Essay Checker, a tool developed to help you write an essay that gets maximum points.

Our Essay Checker Program allows you to submit three essays for review or three improved versions of your GED essay. Our instructors submit your essay, check the comments, and, if needed, provide additional suggestions or resources.

Our GED essay writing lessons and reviews are optimized to teach you how to produce a good essay that will result in additional points on the GED Reasoning Through Language Arts test.

How to prepare your essay

After you have written your essay, first proofread your essay using a grammar checker.

There are free grammar checkers to help you produce an error-free paper. One good suggestion is Grammarly.

After you have corrected the errors, copy your text to our free uploader.

When our software reviews your essay, we will email you a report.

Because you will receive a report with clear action points on how to improve your essay writing skills, you will be able to produce a paper that will yield extra points on the GED Language test.

The software we use is similar to what is used on the GED test.

So, you will learn how to write an essay in the way that this software recognizes and rewards.

Before you start writing your essay, please be sure to take our video lesson about how to write a good GED essay and get familiar with our GED essay template.

If you do that, three reviews are usually sufficient to produce a good, well-scoring GED essay.

We have developed this program to help you get the best results on the GED test.

Onsego students can submit their GED essays and receive a personalized report that will help to reach the best results on the Language portion of the GED test.

Essay Checker FAQ

How can buy it?

Essay Checker is a part of the Advantage Plus, Pro, and Langauge Arts Plan.

How is my GED essay graded?

Your GED essay is graded by artificial intelligence (AI) in the same way as it is on the GED test. Our instructors may additionally offer additional guidelines. Onsego’s experienced instructors know how to write a strong GED essay.

Are there specific topics for my GED essay?

Yes, you will have to write on specific topics. You will have to analyze an issue or argument, and your GED essay must address the arguments presented. If you write an essay on some other topic, you will get a zero score!

How will I receive my score?

After you have submitted your essay, you will receive an email notification about your score, including personalized remarks and feedback on how to improve your score. Usually, it takes 1-2 days.

How often can I submit an essay for review?

You can submit unlimited versions of an essay. Every essay or adjusted version will receive a review from our AI algorithm.