GED Arizona Requirements

Students looking to earn their GED Arizona diploma have to pass the four separate GED subtests at one of Arizona’s testing centers or online.

To register for the GED® test or the GED Ready® practice tests, the candidates must set up their account with the website


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Preparation for the GED exam is critical, and students usually need a few months to pass the GED test successfully.

GED Arizona Testing Requirements

  • You cannot already hold a secondary education degree (high school or equivalent diploma).
  • You cannot be signed up for any other educational program.
  • In Arizona, GED testing is open to students who are at least 16 years old.
  • 16 and 17-year-olds must, however, meet additional requirements. They must, for example, be officially withdrawn from their schools and have permission from a parent or guardian.
  • GED testers in Arizona must also pass the state’s Constitution Exam.
  • In Arizona, GED testing is open to non-residents as well.

GED Arizona Price

When taken at an Arizona test center, the price of the GED test is $41 for each of the four GED subject tests or $164 for the complete GED battery.

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If you take the online GED test, each subtest will set you back $41 as well, so your total online GED testing cost will be $164. You should, however, also count the additional cost of the four GED Ready tests ($28), so your total amount will add up to $192.

To be eligible for online GED testing, you must first reach passing scores (in the “green” range) on the GED Ready practice tests that are available at $6.99 on the website You need to pass four GED Ready tests, one per GED sub-exam, so that’ll be $28 on top of the testing fees.

If you sign up for one of Onsego’s Advantage Plans, you receive 4 vouchers for the GED Ready test at no cost!

GED Arizona Online Classes

Onsego has developed a comprehensive GED preparatory program that is qualified by GED Testing Service as 100% aligned to the computer-based GED exam.

The program includes GED online classes and many practice tests. To take on the GED challenge, studying with Onsego’s prep course has become a lot easier.

We have split up the GED curriculum content into small portions, and each lesson explains just one GED curriculum item at a time. So you can watch our short, engaging lessons anytime, anywhere.

We’ll also teach you some great strategies to find the correct answers to even the most challenging questions on the GED exam—no matter your preparation level.

Ready to start your path to a GED diploma? Let us help you get started with our online GED classes!

When you are ready to take the GED test, you can choose one of the Arizona test centers or sign up for the online GED test. More information about online GED testing in Arizona is found here.

Online GED Testing

You can take the GED test online or in person at a testing center. Until recently, to acquire your GED credential, you needed to come to an official GED testing site and sit for the exam in person, but that has changed. GED Testing Service has introduced an online testing version. For more details, check out online GED testing.

How Is The GED Scored?

Your score on the GED modules is measured on a 100-200 scale.

  • Below passing: 100 to 144
  • High school equivalency: 145 to 164
  • College-ready: 165 to 174
  • College-ready + college credits: 175 to 200

Upon completion of the exam, you will be awarded the GED diploma, which is accepted in the same way as a standard high school diploma by practically all North American employers and schools.

FAQ About GED In Arizona

How to get your GED in Arizona?

To get a GED in Arizona, you need to pass the four independent subtests of the GED High School Equivalency Test.

You can register and pay for each of the four GED subtests (modules) at a time. The four tests cover the fields of Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.

What are the GED Arizona testing requirements?

In Arizona, you cannot already hold a high school diploma, and you need to be at least 16 years old. For 16 and 17-year-olds, however, additional requirements apply. State residency is not required.

Arizona also doesn’t require GED test-takers first to attend a GED prep course or reach sufficient scores on a practice test, except when taking the exam online.

What is the GED Alabama cost?

In Arizona, the four GED subtests cost $41 each when taken at a test center, so the entire GED battery costs $164. When taken online, the entire exam will also cost you $164 ($41 per subtest). You can take and pay for one subtest at a time.

Bear also in mind that to qualify for online testing, you’ll need to reach “green” (likely to pass) scores on the GED Ready practice test. There are four of these tests (one for each sub-exam at $6.99), so that’s an extra $28! Students that choose Onsego Advantage receive four GED Ready tests for free.

Disclaimer: Onsego specializes in high-quality GED online education. Although we provide the information on this page for your benefit, we encourage you to verify its accuracy with official sources.