GED Arkansas Requirements

To get your GED Arkansas diploma, you must reach passing scores on the four GED subtests. The GED test is offered online and at official Arkansas GED test centers.

To register for the four GED® subtests or the GED Ready® practice tests, you must create your account online at


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The GED test is challenging, and to be successful, preparation is crucial. Most students require between 2 and 3 months of preparation before being sufficiently prepared for success on the 4-test GED battery.

GED Arkansas Testing Requirements

  • You cannot already have a high school or equivalent diploma.
  • You are not currently registered for any other school program.
  • The minimum age to take the GED exam is 16.
  • However, applicants 16 and 17 years of age must meet extra requirements, such as having permission from their school districts, being officially withdrawn from the public or private school system, and passing a civics exam.
  • In Arkansas, you must be a state resident to take the GED exam.
  • To be able to take the GED exam, however, you must attain passing scores on the official GED Ready practice test, and candidates 16, 17, and 18 years of age must first pass the Arkansas Civics test as well, administered at any Arkansas Adult Education Center (for more information, call the Arkansas GED Testing office at (501) 682-1980). 

GED Arkansas Price

Students who take the Arkansas GED test at a test center only pay $16 for the entire four-test battery (or $4 for each individual subtest).

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

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The online GED test in Arkansas costs $36 per subject test, so $144 for the full GED battery.

Online GED test-takers should additionally count $28 for four GED Ready practice tests. So, that totals $172 for the online GED exam.

To qualify for online GED testing, candidates must first reach passing scores (in the likely-to-pass or “green” section) on the GED Ready official practice tests available at for $6.99 each.

There is a GED Ready test for each GED subtest (so four in total), meaning you can add $28 to the online testing fees.

Students who sign up for Onsego’s Advantage Plans receive four GED Ready practice tests for free!

GED Arkansas Online Classes

Onsego provides complete GED online classes for Arkansas residents. These online GED classes help you take on the challenge and succeed. Watch the bite-sized, engaging lessons whenever you can.

We’ll go over the entire GED content and also teach you a few outstanding strategies and techniques to find the correct answers to even the most difficult GED questions—no matter your prior education or preparation level.

The sooner you get started with Onsego, the sooner you’ll be working toward a brighter future.

Online GED Testing

Taking the GED test is now possible both online and at an official GED test center. Until recently, GED testing over the Internet was not possible. If you were looking to acquire your GED diploma, you had to appear in person at an official test center.

Well, that has changed, fortunately, as the GED organization has introduced an online testing version. To qualify for online testing, students need to score in the “green” zone on the GED Ready practice test, but this also applies to on-site testing in Arkansas. For details about the online GED test, check out the following article -> introducing the online GED test.

GED Preparation – How To Start

The best way to start your GED preparation is by taking a few GED practice tests. This will show you which GED subject fields you already command or have to go over quickly and which academic subject areas require most of your time and attention.

FAQ About GED In Arkansas

How to get a GED in Arkansas?

To earn your GED in Arkansas, you must pass the four independent subtests of the fully computer-based GED High School Equivalency Exam. The four subtests cover the fields of Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.

What are the GED Arkansas testing requirements?

The GED exam is only open to people who didn’t finish high school. In Arkansas, GED test-takers must be at least 16 years old, though, for 16 and 17-year-old testers, additional requirements apply, such as obtaining permission from their school districts, having parental consent, and passing the state’s Civics test. Applicants must be Arkansas residents and pass the GED Ready test first.

What is the GED Arkansas cost?

In Arkansas, the entire GED battery costs $16 (or $4 per subtest) if you take the exam at an Arkansas test center. When done online, the GED exam costs $144 in total or $36 per subtest. You should, however, also count the cost of four GED Ready tests, an additional $28. Onsego Advantage students, however, receive 4 GED Ready tests for free.

You have the option to take and pay for one of the four GED tests at a time. Registration and scheduling of your GED tests must be done online at

Disclaimer: Onsego’s mission is to support your GED preparation with our top-tier online course. Please note that the information shared here is for convenience. Ensure its accuracy by referring to official sources.