Nebraska GED Requirements

To get your Nebraska GED diploma, you need to pass four independent GED subject tests. You can take these tests online or at one of Nebraska’s GED test centers.

Candidates are required to register for the GED® exam and the GED® Ready practice tests online at


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The GED test is quite challenging, and getting perfectly prepared is critical. In general, GED candidates need at least 2-3 months to be ready to pass the GED battery.

Nebraska GED Test Requirements

  • You cannot already hold a high school or equivalent diploma.
  • You cannot be registered for any other educational course.
  • You need to be at least 16 years of age.
  • For 16 and 17-year-olds, however, extra requirements apply, like having parental consent and being officially withdrawn from school.
  • Underage testers must submit the following information: a completed NDE Form #12-003 to Nebraska’s Department of Education/GED Administrator. This form is available at GED test centers or from Nebraska’s Department of Education.
  • They must also submit a letter in the tester’s own handwriting stating why they withdrew from regular school and why they want to take the GED test.
  • Underage students must additionally submit a copy of their transcript from the last school they attended, including the official withdrawal date and the graduation date of the class from which they withdrew. Birth dates will be verified.
  • They must have been withdrawn from school for at least 30 days, though school officials may request this waiting period be waived.
  • Once approved, underage testers will be referred to an official adult education GED program for preparation, and once the instructor approves, they can register for the exam.
  • Nebraska does not require you to take and pass the GED Ready Practice Test first, but this does not apply to online GED testing.
  • In Nebraska, state residency is not required, but you must have lived in Nebraska for 30 days or longer to receive your GED diploma.

Nebraska GED Price

In Nebraska, the GED exam, when taken at a testing center, will set you back $144 for the full computer-based exam or $36 per subtest.

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If you take the exam in an online-proctored format, you’ll also pay $36 for each sub-exam, so $144 in total. Count to that as well $28 for the four GED Ready tests, and your total for online testing will be $172.

For each of the four GED sub-exams, there is a GED Ready practice test. Attaining passing scores (in the “green” zone) on these practice tests is a prerequisite for qualifying to take the GED subtests online. You can buy the GED Ready tests on the website for $6.99 each.

As an Onsego Advantage student, you receive four GED Ready tests for free.

Nebraska GED Online Classes

Preparing for the GED exam can be a challenge for many GED students with busy schedules. Onsego offers a comprehensive GED prep program with online GED classes and many practice tests that help you squeeze in a prep course and achieve your educational or professional goals.

With our online prep course, there’ll be no more waiting around for long classes. Our lessons address just one GED topic per lesson, so you can watch these bite-sized chunks of information every time you’ve got a few free minutes.

The lessons cover all elements of the GED exam and additionally teach you the finest strategies and best techniques to find the correct answer to even the most complex GED question. We’ll help you go over all the GED study material until you understand it.

Online Nebraska GED Test

You can opt to take the four GED sub-exams at an official GED test center or online, the online GED test. To qualify for taking the exam online, however, you first must score in the “green” zone (likely to pass) on the GED Ready practice test. Learn more here: the Nebraska online GED test.

When an underage student takes the online GED test in Nebraska, a parent or guardian needs to be present at the online check-in to approve that the underage tester be recorded during the exam.

FAQ About GED In Nebraska

How to get a Nebraska GED diploma?

Students looking to earn their GED high school equivalency (HSE) diplomas in Nebraska must attain passing scores on each of the four computerized subtests of the GED exam. These four subtests are in the subject fields of Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Science.

What are the Nebraska GED testing requirements?

The GED test is for adults who didn’t complete their high school curriculum. In Nebraska, GED hopefuls must be at least 16 years old, but for testers 16 or 17 years of age, there are strict additional requirements, and they must also attend a recognized prep course, something that doesn’t count for older test-takers. Students don’t need to be Nebraska residents, but to receive a GED diploma, they must have lived in Nebraska for at least 30 days.

What is the Nebraska GED cost?

The Nebraska GED exam costs (for the entire battery) $144, or $36 per individual subtest, regardless of whether you take the exam at a test center or online. When taken online, however, you should also count the cost of four GED Ready subtests ($28).

Students who choose Onsego’s Advantage plans will receive 4 GED Ready practice tests at no cost. You have the option to sit and pay for one (or more) of the four GED tests at a time.

Disclaimer: Onsego specializes in top-quality online GED education. We provide the above information for your benefit, but we encourage you to verify the accuracy with official GED sources.