If you want to receive your GED New Hampshire diploma, you need to pass four independent GED subtests. You can take these tests online or at a testing center. The state also uses the HiSET exam for HSE (High School equivalency) testing.
Registration for the GED exam is done online at GED.com
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
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The GED® exam includes 4 rather challenging subtests. Students generally need 2 to 3 months to prepare and succeed on the exam.
GED New Hampshire Requirements
- Candidates cannot already hold a secondary education degree (high school or equivalent diploma).
- Candidates cannot be registered for another educational program.
- In New Hampshire, candidates must be at least 16 years of age.
- 16 and 17-year-olds, however, must meet additional criteria, such as having parental/legal guardian consent.
- Underage students must download a New Hampshire Age Waiver, take the GED Ready test, and attain scores in the Green Zone (145 or up). Additionally, they must have permission from their superintendent or designees, and home-schooled students must have permission from participating agencies.
- They must submit all required documentation by fax the New Hampshire’s Bureau of Adult Education (603-271-3454
- Underage test takers are allowed to remain enrolled in high school until they have earned their high school equivalency certificates.
- GED testing in New Hampshire is only for state residents.
GED New Hampshire Price
If you sit for the New Hampshire GED exam at a testing center, you pay $36 per subject, so $144 in total for all 4 subjects.
Get your GED Diploma Quickly
With Onsego, it’s simple and easy
To take the online GED exam, you first need to achieve passing scores on the GED Ready practice test. There’s one of these tests for each of the four GED subjects that costs $6.99 each, so that’s $28 in total. Onsego Advantage students get four GED Ready vouchers for free!
GED New Hampshire Online Classes
Onsego provides students with a complete preparatory program that includes numerous online GED classes and many practice tests.
The program includes short video lessons that address one GED topic at a time in bite-sized chunks. This way, you will better retain the provided information, and you can take on the GED challenge by watching short, engaging lessons anytime, anywhere.
We cover each and every aspect of the GED exam and additionally teach you clever strategies that will help you produce correct answers—no matter how difficult the question is.
Are you ready to start out on your GED prep journey? We will help you with our online prep course!
GED New Hampshire Online Test
You can take the New Hampshire GED exam at one of the state’s GED test centers, but there’s also the online test. To qualify for online testing, you need to reach passing scores on the GED Ready (Official Practice Test). You can read more about the online New Hampshire GED exam here. The minimum age for online testing in New Hampshire is 18.
FAQ About GED In New Hampshire
How do you get a GED New Hampshire diploma?
To earn your HSE diploma in New Hampshire, you’ll need to pass the four separate tests that form the GED exam. The subject fields covered in the GED exam are Math, Science, Reading & Writing, and Social Studies.
What are the GED New Hampshire testing requirements?
GED testing is only available to adults who have never finished high school. Applicants must be at least 16 years old, but 16 and 17-year-old test-takers will have to meet extra requirements. State residency is required, but test-takers don’t first need to take a practice or qualification test except when taking the GED exam online.
What is the GED New Hampshire cost?
The New Hampshire GED exam will set you back $144 for the entire 4-test battery ($36 per individual subtest). Onsego Advantage students receive four GED Ready vouchers included in their plans. Passing the four GED Ready practice tests is a requirement to qualify for online GED testing.
Disclaimer: It is Onsego’s goal to provide you with a first-class online GED prep experience. The content in this post is intended to support you. For the most precise and latest details, please turn to official sources.