This is a post about Washington DC GED requirements. In DC, students can earn their GED diploma if they pass 4 GED subtests. The tests can be taken online or in person at a designated GED testing center.
The GED exam contains four individual subtests (modules). The academic subject fields are English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Online GED Classes
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To register for the GED® tests or the GED Ready® practice tests, you need to create your account at the portal MyGED on the website
Washington D.C. GED Requirements
- Test-takers can not already have a high school or equivalent diploma.
- Test-takers can not be enrolled in another education program.
- In DC, GED testing is open to qualifying adults at least 16 years of age.
- However, test-takers 16 or 17 years old must meet strict additional requirements such as parental consent and permission from their school districts.
- Test-takers must be Washington D.C. residents.
- Taking the GED Ready practice test is required.
Washington D.C. GED Price
In Washington, D.C., when you take the GED test in a testing center, you pay just $3.75 per subtest, so $15 for the entire GED exam. Washington, D.C. subsidizes GED testing, and testing is only open to residents.
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If you don’t pass a subtest, there’ll be a 30-day waiting period in the District of Columbia before you can take that subtest again, and this also counts for your second retake. If you need to retake that section for the third time, you’ll have to wait 60 days before you can try that subject test again.
Your first two retakes per subject field are free of charge, but after one year, the regular fees will apply again ($3.75 per individual module). This only applied to on-site testing.
When you take the GED test online, you pay $36 per subject, so $144 in total. However, to qualify for the online GED exam, you need to reach passing scores (in the “green” zone) on the GED Ready official GED practice tests.
There’s a GED Ready test for each GED subtest, so four in total, that must be purchased on the website at $6.99 each. So you should add those costs ($28) as well, totaling $172.
If you decide to use Onsego’s Advantage Plan, you’ll receive four GED Ready vouchers at no cost.
Washington D.C. GED Online Classes
Preparing for the four GED subtests (independent modules) can be challenging for students with busy schedules. At Onsego, we understand that.
That’s why we created a comprehensive GED prep course with many online GED classes and lots of practice tests that help you squeeze this prep course into your agenda so you can achieve your goals.
We have split up the GED curriculum into small, bite-sized portions, and each of our lessons covers just one GED subject item at a time. You can study with these short, engaging lessons whenever you’ve got a few minutes time.
The lessons cover every element of the GED test, and additionally, we’ll explain some outstanding techniques and strategies to find correct answers to all GED questions, even the most complicated ones. You can go over all the study material until you really understand the subject matter.
Computer-based GED testing
The latest edition of the GED exam is totally computer-formatted. The paper-based version was retired, and the level was raised. Computer-based GED testing is actually a great development, and in the contemporary job market, you probably can’t find any opening that doesn’t require at least basic keyboarding and computer skills. If you want to move ahead to college after earning your GED, understanding basic computer skills is a prerequisite as well.
Online GED testing
Sitting for the GED test online is now possible as well. It used to be that for acquiring a GED diploma, your personal appearance at an official D.C. testing site was required. Well, now that has changed, as an online version of the GED exam was introduced with an online proctor.
For the many people who did not finish high school, there is a possibility to bridge the gap via the General Education Development (GED) program. After completing the GED exam, students will receive the GED diploma or certificate, which is recognized by practically all US employers, government agencies, and colleges and universities as equivalent to a high school diploma. Read also this page about the D.C. online GED test.
GED benefits
A few years back, the GED exam was drastically upgraded by GED Testing Service (a joint venture of the American Council on Education – ACE – and Pearson, a leading education assessment developer) to get in line with the generally accepted Common Core education standards and better to reflect industry practices and higher education’s requirements.
The GED exam focuses more on skills that are required in modern-day companies and colleges, such as critical and analytical thinking and computer literacy. By offering better access to GED preparation and testing, adults are offered a major leap forward to earn a secondary credential that can lead to better jobs and post-secondary education. You can schedule one of the four GED subtests at a time.
Registration for the GED test
To register for the GED exam or the GED Ready practice tests, you need to create your account at the portal MyGED on the website Here, you can find all sorts of GED-related information, and this is also the spot for scheduling your tests and making payments.
FAQ about GED in Washington D.C.
How to get a GED in Washington, D.C.?
To get your GED in Washington, D.C., you’ll have to pass the four computer-based subtests of the GED high school equivalency exam. There are four separate GED subtests that cover the subject fields of Science, Mathematics, Language, and Social Studies.
What are the Washington D.C. GED testing requirements?
The GED is an exam for people who never finished their high school education. In D.C., test-takers must be 16 years old or older, but for test-takers 16 or 17 years old, some additional requirements count. In Washington, D.C., GED testers must be residents and first attain sufficient scores on the GED Ready practice test.
What is the GED cost in Washington, D.C.?
In Washington, D.C., the entire GED battery costs $15, or $3.75 per subtest, when taken at a test center. The online GED exam costs $144 ($36 per subject test). You should, however, also count the $28 that four GED Ready tests will set you back, totaling $172. Students registered for Onsego’s Advantage Plans get four GED Ready tests at no charge.
You have the option to take and pay for one subtest at a time. Registration, payments, and scheduling of the tests are all done online at the website
Important: Onsego prides itself on enhancing your GED journey with our top-notch online GED prep programs. As we share the above-listed information to support your learning, ensuring its accuracy by referencing official GED sources is highly recommended for all GED students.