Students can sit for the Washington D.C. GED online. First, however, to qualify for online GED testing, they must reach “green” (likely to pass) scores on the GED Ready official practice test.
They need to register for and take four GED Ready® tests, as there is one for each GED sub-exam. The GED Ready tests are available at and cost $6.99 each.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.
Registration for both the GED® exam and the GED Ready test must be done online at the official GED website,
Washington D.C. GED Online Price
In Washington, DC, when you take the GED test online, you pay $36 per subject, so $144 in total. Actually, you should also add the cost for four GED Ready subtests ($28), bringing your total to $172.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.
If you decide to use Onsego Advantage, you’ll receive four GED Ready tests at no cost.
When you take the Washington, DC, GED exam in a testing center, you pay just $3.75 per subtest, so $15 for the entire GED exam.
Washington D.C. GED Online Classes
For many GED students, getting all set for the GED exam can be challenging with their busy schedules. So, Onsego has designed a comprehensive GED preparatory program that includes online GED classes and many practice tests to help you squeeze in a good GED prep course so you can achieve your goals.
By taking an online course, there’ll be no more hours-long classes. Onsego’s short, bite-sized, and engaging video lessons cover all content topics of the GED exam. We’ll also teach you some very effective strategies to find the correct answers to the questions found on the GED exam.
With the Onsego GED prep course, you can go over the subject material again and again, if needed, until you understand all of it.
GED Scoring
The GED is a modular exam, meaning you can take one or more of the four subtests (modules) at a time. The four subtests are measured on a 100-200 scale, and the passing score is 145. 145-164 is the HS equivalency score; 165-174 is the college-ready score, and when your score is in the 175-200 range, you will additionally receive college credits.
The most recent GED edition (2014 Series) is done totally on a computer; paper-and-pencil testing is a thing of the past. This makes sense because, today, practically all entry-level positions require at least basic computer and keyboarding competencies.
How To Register For The GED Test
To register for the GED test, go to and create a personal account at MyGED. Here, you can schedule and pay for your tests.
Washington D.C. does not require applicants to first take a GED prep course or attain satisfactory results on the GED Ready practice test when they sit for the exam at a test center, but please bear in mind that the computer-formatted GED is a very challenging exam and that proper preparation is absolutely required. See also our page about GED eligibility requirements in Washington, D.C.
How To Prepare For The GED Test
Getting optimally prepared is the key to success. The GED passing score is set up in such a way that around 40 percent of all HS graduates would not be able to pass the tests on the first try!
To be successful at the GED exam, attend a physical GED prep class in your community or sign up for a good and well-structured online GED prep course such as the online GED classes from Onsego. Online learning allows you to study when and where you like and is a perfect solution for students in remote areas.
If you need any accommodation, you should apply for that in a timely manner on the official website or ask your local GED test center for assistance.
It’s All About YOUR Future
Across the nation, the GED credential is accepted as equivalent to a standard HS diploma, and apart from qualifying for better jobs, holders of the degree will also be able to get on with their education in university or college.
In our contemporary job market, holding a GED or high school diploma is required for applicants to just about any position, also at the entry level. So, if you want to work toward a satisfying career, getting your GED is crucial!
As said before, persons that have a GED are making at least $9.600 more annually than those who do not have a secondary education degree! So earning your GED will really pay off, right? So now, let nothing hold you back from earning your GED and pursuing the career you’ve always dreamed of!
Attention: Onsego is one of the leading online GED preparation providers, and its GED programs aim to provide useful information. However, it is crucial to check the information on our pages with official GED sources to make sure all is correct and accurate.