In this post, we take a look at New York State GED requirements. You’ll get your GED diploma if you pass the four subject tests that make up the GED exam.
You need to take these tests in person at a GED testing center. Online testing is not available in New York State.
Online GED Classes
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Registration for the GED® exam or the GED Ready® tests must be done online through the website.
The four independent GED subject tests are challenging assessments, so it’s important to get well-prepared for these tests.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
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New York State GED Test Requirements
- You can not already have a high school or equivalent diploma.
- You can not be enrolled in another education program.
- The minimum age to take the GED exam in New York is 16.
- Applicants 16, 17, and 18 years old, however, must meet some additional, strict criteria. They must be, for example, officially withdrawn from school, have parental consent, and hold permission from their school districts.
- State residency is required. Applicants must have lived in New York State for at least 30 days.
New York State GED Price
As one of only a few states, the New York State GED test is free and only available to state residents. But if you want to take the GED test online in another state, you need to pay the price required in the chosen state.
Keep in mind that if you take the online GED test in another state, you not only pay the applicable testing fees. On top of that, you’ll also have to attain passing scores (in the “green” zone) on four GED Ready® practice tests (one for each GED subtest).
The GED Ready test must be purchased on the website and costs $6.99. Since you must buy four of these practice tests, it’ll be another $28 on top of the regular online testing fees.
Students with Onsego’s Advantage Plans get these four GED Ready practice tests for free!
You should also read this page with information about taking the GED test online if you are thinking about taking the GED exam online in a state without residency requirements.
New York State GED Online Classes
Preparing for the GED exam can be challenging for students with busy schedules. So, at Onsego, we have created a comprehensive course that includes many short video lessons through our online GED classes and numerous practice tests that you can squeeze into your schedule to achieve your goals.
You won’t be waiting around anymore for long GED classes. You’ll now have the opportunity to watch our bite-sized, engaging lessons any time you like. These lessons cover all elements of the GED test, and additionally, we’ll teach you the best techniques and strategies to find correct answers to even the most complicated GED questions.
Our practice tests allow you to identify the GED subjects that you’ll have to focus on to improve your scores. It’s no use going over stuff you already know sufficiently, so identifying those fields lets you study more effectively and faster.
FAQ About GED In New York State
How to get a GED in New York State?
New York uses the GED exam for its High School Equivalency (HSE) testing program. To get your HSE diploma in New York, you’ll have to pass the four subtests that are included in the GED exam. The four GED subtests (independent modules) cover Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and Science. The GED exam can be taken on a computer only, but in New York, the online GED exam is not available.
What are the New York GED testing requirements?
The GED exam is only available to adults who didn’t finish high school. In New York, test-takers must be at least 19 years old, though applicants 16, 17, or 18 years of age may also qualify if they meet additional, strict requirements. New York State residency is required (you must have lived in the state for at least 30 days), but there’s no need to pass a practice test first (except if you want to sit for the exam online in another state).
What is the GED cost in New York State?
New York is one of four states where HSE (High School Equivalency) testing is offered at no cost. The entire GED exam will take around 7.5 hours to complete, but test-takers can take the four subtests one (or more) at a time.
Attention: Onsego is a leader in online GED preparation, and its GED courses aim to equip you with useful information. Nonetheless, it is important to check the information on this page with official GED sources to ensure correctness and accuracy.