Washington State GED Online

Candidates for the GED test can take the Washington State GED online if they first score “green” (likely to pass) results on the official GED practice test, GED Ready.

The GED® exam has four separate sub-exams, and for each section, there’s a GED Ready® test. These four GED Ready tests are available on the website GED.com and cost $6.99 each.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.

To register for the 4-test GED exam and for the GED Ready test, the candidates need to create an account online at the official GED Testing Service website, GED.com.

Washington State GED Online Price

The Washington online GED exam costs $36 per subject test, so $144 in total. The total price is also $144 when the exam is taken at a test center.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.

When taken online, you should count the cost of four GED Ready tests as well ($28), which brings your total to $172.

Onsego Advantage members, though, receive the four GED Ready tests for free.

Washington State GED Online Classes

We know that for many GED candidates, life can get somewhat hectic. That’s why we designed a comprehensive online GED program that includes numerous short, bite-sized online GED classes that are quite engaging, and there are lots of practice tests as well. You can learn with these short lessons wherever you like on any device and whenever you’ve got a few minutes free.

Onsego’s online GED classes will teach you everything you should know for the challenging GED exam. Our lessons cover all GED topics, one at a time. Taking practice tests will allow you to find out what subject matter you already understand and what academic fields you should concentrate on to improve your scores.

We’ll also train you to learn a few outstanding techniques and strategies to find the correct answers to questions on the GED exam.

What’s On The GED Test?

The GED exam is fully computer-based, and it contains four individual modules (or subtests) that can be taken separately. So you can prepare for and take one subtest at a time, and when you pass that subject, you move on to the next part.

The four GED tests cover the academic fields of Mathematics, Language Arts, social studies, and Science. The section Reasoning through Language Arts covers both reading and writing. To see if you qualify for the GED test, check out this page.

GED Scoring

The four GED subtests measure a student’s knowledge and skills in the academic fields of Science, Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies. The passing score on each GED subtest is 145 on a scale from 100 to 200.

Passing scores are as follows: 145-164 indicates high school equivalency; 165-174 means you’re college-ready; and if you score in the 175-200 range, you will receive extra college credits.

For adults without a high school diploma, the GED program offers great help. If you earn your GED diploma, you not only qualify for decently paying jobs, but you will also be able to continue your education in college.

How To Register For The GED Test

Again, to register for the GED exam, you must set up your account on the website GED.com. You can register and pay for one subtest at a time on the portal MyGED. Here, you will be conveniently guided through the entire process.

Prepare Well

Though Washington State doesn’t require GED test-takers to first attend a prep course, it is highly recommended to get optimally prepared since the GED exam is a very challenging assessment.

You can opt to attend a physical prep class or consider taking an accredited, premium online GED course like the one designed by Onsego. Online learning has become rather popular and is an ideal option for GED learners in remote regions.

The Washington State GED program has supported numerous individuals in their efforts to acquire a secondary education degree and get a better life.

The GED exam is administered totally on a computer. The registration process is also computerized. As said before, to register for, pay for, and schedule your tests, go to GED.com and set up your account with the online portal MyGED.

Disclaimer: Onsego provides top online GED prep courses. Onsego’s courses aim to equip you with the best, latest, and most useful information. Nonetheless, checking the information on this page with official GED sources is crucial to ensure accuracy and correctness.