Students looking to earn their high school equivalency diploma can take the Iowa HiSET online. The GED test is not available in Iowa.
To qualify for the HiSET® test online, students will need to reach a passing score on the HiSET OPT (Official Practice Test), but in Iowa, this also counts for on-site HiSET testing.
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To take the HiSET official practice test, students must be enrolled in an adult education program provided by Iowa’s 15 Community Colleges.
To take the test, students need to create an account on The HiSET exam is similar to the GED® and has the same value.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
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Iowa HiSET Online Cost
In Iowa, the HiSET test online costs $28.25 per subject, so $141.25 in total. The HiSET exam includes 5 subject tests.
You will receive two retests per subtest; however, you must pay the $17.50 virtual testing fee each time you take a subtest. You can learn more about the online Iowa HiSET qualification requirements here.
Iowa HiSET Online Classes
Onsego provides a complete prep course that includes online HiSET classes and practice tests. These online classes help you succeed in the GED or HiSET challenge. You can study with the course’s bite-sized and engaging lessons whenever you go. The entire HiSET content is covered, and you’ll also learn about the best strategies for coming up with the correct answers.
The moment you start your preparation with Onsego, you start preparing for a better future.
HiSET Scoring
There are five independent HiSET sub-exams that are scored on a scale of up to 20 points. The minimum required score on each subject test is 8. Your essay cannot score less than a 2, and your total score needs to be no less than 45 points, excluding your essay score.
What’s On The HiSET Exam?
The five separate HiSET sub-exams measure your knowledge in the academic subject fields of Social Studies, Math, Science, Language Reading, and Language Writing. You can take the sub-exams in any order and one at a time if you wish.
The Iowa High School Equivalency diploma is equivalent to a common high school diploma and is accepted as such by employers, educational institutions, and government agencies.
HiSET candidates are required to pass the Iowa HiSET Practice test before they are allowed to register for the exam.
How To Prepare For The HiSET
The HiSET is a challenging assessment that measures (like the GED) knowledge and skills at a level comparable to that of graduating high school seniors. The passing score is set at a level that 40% of high school grads would not be able to pass the five subtests on the first try!
So, becoming perfectly prepared for the exam is crucial for your success on the HiSET exam! You can get optimally geared up by taking a prep course at a physical site or through books available from your community library or your local bookstore.
You may also register for a well-structured online course, like the Onsego online GED classes, that allows you to study at times and at places that are most comfortable for you. The GED and HiSET contents are quite similar, so you can also benefit from this course to get ready for the Iowa HiSET exam.
It’s About YOUR Future
The HiSET exam, when taken successfully, will get you the Iowa High School Equivalency Diploma which will definitely lead to improved job options and a higher income. The credential also opens the door to a college education.
Holders of a high school or equivalent diploma may expect to earn at least $9.600 more annually than workers who don’t have a secondary education degree. So what’s holding you back? Start working on getting your diploma today so you and the ones around you can enjoy a brighter future soon!
Disclaimer: Onsego, one of America’s leading designers of online HiSET and GED prep courses, aims to present up-to-date and accurate information. However, checking the above-given information against official HiSET and GED sources is essential to guarantee accuracy.