Are There Good Jobs Without A GED?

11% of the American working force has no GED or any other high school credential. Yet many people are able to get good jobs when they are in the process of getting their GED.

Quick tip, Onsego offers online GED classes to help you get your GED quickly and without any drama.


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For most of these positions, applicants must be highly motivated, and experience and practical skills are often required.

So let’s take a closer look at some jobs that do not require a high school or GED diploma. Developing the skills required for these jobs usually takes place via apprenticeships or “on the job.”

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

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Then again, some of these positions require little or no earlier work-related experience, skills, and knowledge. Additionally, ensure that the position suits your personality well.

Taking a career test is an excellent method to see if the occupation fits you well. A good option is taking the RIASEC career test, based on the well-known Holland Code.

Psychologist John Holland is a professor at the respected Johns Hopkins University, and he is convinced that the personality of each individual corresponds to the type of occupation or career they prefer.

Professor Holland developed a one-of-a-kind theory in order to help people choose a suitable career. His theory has been researched through and through, and the U.S. Department of Labor has adopted his theory as a classification method for occupations.

Jobs without a GED diploma

When it comes to jobs without a GED, Professor Holland distinguishes between

  • Jobs for Doers (realistic types)
  • Jobs for Organizers (conventional types)
  • Jobs for Helpers (social types)
  • Jobs for Thinkers (investigative types)
  • Jobs for Creators (artistic types)
  • Jobs for Persuaders (enterprising types)

– Doers are usually no-nonsense, down-to-earth persons who prefer to engage with physical things instead of ideas or other people. They are, in general, pretty good at mechanical, tactile, physical, or athletic tasks.

Jobs without a GED for Doers include Construction Laborer, Construction Crew Member, Elevator Laborer, Equipment Operator, Forklift Operator, Cook Helper, Maintenance Technician, Utility Worker, Flooring Installation Worker, Tile Finisher, Driller Helper, Grocery Clerk, Stocking Associate, Meat Cutter, Shuttle Driver, or Luxury Chauffeur.

– Organizers are usually well-organized, orderly, logical, and efficient persons who are detail-orientated, reliable, thorough, and efficient. They value precision and accuracy and enjoy quantitative measurements, structured environments, and practical assignments.

Jobs without a GED for Organizers include Receptionist/Office Concierge, Bartender, Waiter or Waitress, Housekeeping, Animal Caretaker, Greeter/Usher/Ticket Taker, Park Attendant, Office/Rental Counter Clerk, Gym Manager, Store Clerk, or Administrative Representative.

Helpers are usually kind, generous, patient, helpful, cooperative, caring, empathetic, tactful, and friendly. They are generally very good at socializing, helping, and teaching other individuals. They are also usually very good at tasks that include teamwork, relationship-building, and social interaction.

Jobs without a GED for Helpers include Personal Care Attendant, Caretaker, Homecare Aide, Nutrition Services Aide, Child Caretaker, Pet Caretaker, or Medication Aide.

– Thinkers are generally inquisitive, introspective, methodical, rational, logical, curious, and analytical individuals. They are good at tasks that involve thought, observation, exploration, discovery, and investigation. Thinkers often avoid mundane, commercial, or enterprising activities.

Jobs without a GED for Thinkers include Equipment Repairer, Audio & Video Equipment Operator, Assembler, Product Tester, Multi-Platform Game Tester, or Garment Mender.

– Creators are usually intuitive, expressive, sensitive, articulate, and creative individuals. Generally, they also have nonconforming, open-minded, spontaneous, unstructured, and innovative personalities. Creators usually rely on imagination, feelings, and inspiration. They are good at assignments that involve verbal, visual, and aesthetic elements.

Jobs without a GED for Creators include Entertainment Performer, Musician, Figure Model, Fit Model, Art Model, Voice-Over Artist, Performing Artist, Scenic Artist, or Stage Crew Member.

– Persuaders are usually adventurous, ambitious, extroverted, confident, assertive, energetic, enthusiastic, and optimistic individuals. In general. they are dominant, persuasive, and motivational persons with entrepreneurial spirits. They are quick at decision-making and initiating activities and projects.

Jobs without a GED for Persuaders include Brand Ambassador, Customer Experience Specialist, Events Coordinator, Restaurant Hostess & Host, Salesperson, or Stage Coordinator.

GED improves earnings

So you see, there are so many jobs for people who don’t hold a high school or GED diploma. We would like to emphasize, however, that quitting high school prematurely and not getting your GED is not a good idea.

In general, people with a high school or GED diploma make at least $9700 more per year than people who don’t have a secondary education degree! 

Your GED diploma will certainly lead to better professional opportunities, and it also qualifies for a college education. So you see, your GED really pays off, wouldn’t you agree?