What’s On The GED Science Test? Podcast

What’s On The GED Science Test – In this episode, we take a closer look at what the GED Science test includes. It is 90 minutes long and includes 34 questions in various formats, such as multiple-choice, drop-down, image selection, and fill-in-the-blank.

The GED Science test encompasses three main scientific domains: Life Science (40%), Physical Science (40%), and Earth and Space Science (20%).


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Life Science centers on human health, living systems, genetics, cell structure, organism-environment interactions, and the impact of environments on organisms.

Physical Science covers chemistry and physics principles, including electricity, energy, motion, and atomic structure.

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Earth and Space Science explores weather patterns, natural resources, and the solar system.

Additionally, the GED Science test assesses knowledge in Reading and Writing in Science, Applying Scientific Concepts, and Applying Mathematical Reasoning in Science. Using a TI-30XS calculator (physical or on-screen) is permitted and even encouraged.