Practically every college and university in the U.S. accepts a GED diploma. More and more schools are also recognizing GED College-Ready and College-Ready Plus Credit scores. If your GED scores are in these ranges, you can skip the SAT, ACT, or state-specific college placement tests to enroll in these schools.
Your GED scores are calibrated on a 100-200 scoring scale, where 145 is the passing score, and this applies to all four sub-exams.
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There are three passing score ranges:
- GED High School Equivalency: 145-164
- GED College-Ready: 165-174
- GED College-Ready Plus Credit: 175-200
So, if your scores are in the last two categories, you may be waived from submitting ACT or SAT scores or having to take remedial coursework to get admitted to a college’s credit-bearing academic courses. This depends, however, on the school.
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A GED diploma has the same value as a high school diploma. When you achieve College-Ready scores, it shows you’re ready for college programs and sets you up for a successful career.
Many GED students start at community colleges because it’s a fast, convenient way to get a good education and start a career.
But first, you need your GED diploma. The quickest way to prepare for the test is with Onsego online GED Classes.
After getting your GED (which can take 2 to 10 months, depending on your schedule and what you already know), you can choose your college path.
Many students recommend starting at a community college and transferring to a four-year university after earning a two-year degree. This route can save money and often provides a smoother transition to a four-year school.
Community colleges are a great option for GED graduates. They all accept GED holders and usually have smaller classes, offering more personalized attention at a lower cost.
Many community colleges partner with state colleges or universities, making it easy to transfer to a 4-year school as a junior.
If you want to go directly to a four-year college, you’ll need to take a college placement test (SAT, ACT, or a state-specific exam) and possibly complete some remedial courses before enrolling in credit-bearing programs. However, more and more four-year schools are also recognizing GED college-ready scores!
You can also apply by the regular decision deadline (usually January 1) and get a response by March or April. Students generally have until April 30 to decide and make an enrollment deposit.
Many students use popular platforms like The Common App, which is accepted by over 750 schools when applying to colleges.
You can fill out one form and apply to multiple colleges. Note that not all schools accept the Common App (such as MIT and Georgetown University). Other options include the Coalition Application and the Universal College Application, and some colleges have their own systems.
In short, U.S. colleges accept the GED diploma as a high school equivalent. Starting at a community college is a great way to begin your college journey and then transfer to a 4-year university. If you choose to go directly to a 4-year school, aim for a good ACT or SAT score or achieve GED College-Ready scores.