Louisiana GED Requirements

To earn your Louisiana GED high school equivalency diploma, you need to pass the four subject tests that make up the GED test. You can take the GED exam online or in a testing center.

To register for the four GED® subtests, you need to create an account on the website GED.com.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.

For success on the GED exam, becoming optimally prepared is crucial. The exam is a challenging assessment, and on average, applicants require some 2 to 3 months to get sufficiently prepared.

Please note that in Louisiana, the GED exam was recently reintroduced.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.

Louisiana GED Test Requirements

  • You cannot already have a secondary education credential (high school or equivalent diploma).
  • You cannot be enrolled in another education program.
  • You must be at least 16 years old to be able to take the GED exam.
  • However, test-takers 16, 17, or 18 years old only qualify if they are officially withdrawn from Louisiana’s K–12 system, provide an approved age waiver, and have parental consent. They additionally need authorization from a WorkReady U literacy program and attain passing scores on the half-length GED Ready Practice Tests.
  • Louisiana requires 16 to 18-year-olds to attend GED instruction and hold testing authorization.
  • The minimum age for online GED testing in Louisiana is 16, but for underage students counts that at check-in, a parent or guardian must be present to approve that the underage GED tester can be recorded during the exam.

Louisiana GED Price

The Louisiana GED exam costs $144 in total, or $36 per subject test. To be eligible for testing online, however, you first must attain sufficient results (in the “green zone”) on the GED Ready® test. There are four of these practice tests which cost $6.99 each and are available on the GED.com website.

So, that will set you back an additional $28, but Onsego Advantage students receive four GED Ready vouchers for free included in their plan.

Louisiana GED Online Classes

Onsego provides students with a complete preparatory program that includes many GED online classes and lots of practice tests. This prep course makes it easy to take on the GED challenge and reach your objectives.

The lessons present all GED topics in bite-sized chunks so that you can learn with these engaging video lessons anytime, anywhere. Read also this page on the Louisiana online GED exam.

We cover everything that’s on the GED exam and additionally teach you a few highly effective strategies for finding the correct answers to even the most complicated GED questions.

No matter your preparation, prior education level, or age, our support will get you ready to start out on your GED journey.

Test-takers who successfully take the four GED sub-exams will receive Louisiana’s High School Equivalency Diploma. This credential is equivalent to a common high school diploma and is accepted as such by employers, universities, and colleges.

How To Start With GED Preparation

The best way to start with your GED preparation is by taking practice tests. By doing this, you will learn all about your academically strong and weak points so you can concentrate fully on those areas that require most of your study time and attention.

If an online prep course is something that fits your learning style, just register for Onsego’s full prep course and earn your GED diploma fast.

Louisiana Online GED Testing

Qualifying students can also sit for the GED exam online. The online test is called the OP (Online Proctored) GED Test. It used to be that candidates had to show up at an official testing center in person, but that’s changed.

FAQ About GED In Louisiana

How to get a Louisiana GED diploma?

Louisiana uses the GED exam for its HSE (high school equivalency) testing program. So, to earn your HSE diploma in Louisiana, you’ll have to pass the four sub-exams included in the GED test.

The four GED subtests cover Mathematics, Language Arts (Reading and Writing combined), Science, and Social Studies.

What are the Louisiana GED testing requirements?

The GED exam is only open to adults who don’t hold a high school diploma. The minimum required age to qualify in Louisiana is 16, but for students 16, 17, and 18 years old, some pretty strict extra requirements apply. There’s no state residency requirement in Louisiana, but test-takers must first attain sufficient scores on the GED Ready practice test.

What is the Louisiana GED cost?

The Louisiana GED exam costs $36 per subject test, or $144 in total. When testing online, however, you also must count the cost of four GED Ready tests, which cost $6.99 each, so that’s $28 additionally! Onsego Advantage students will receive four GED Ready vouchers at no cost.

Notice: Onsego is your partner in achieving GED success online. The information in this post is offered as a convenience. Ensuring its accuracy by checking with official sources is advisable.