Maine GED Requirements

The Maine GED is not available. The state uses the HiSET exam for high school equivalency testing.

Students need to appear in person at one of Maine’s official HiSET test facilities. Online testing is not possible in Maine.


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To register for the 5-test HiSET® exam, the candidates must set up an account on the website

The HiSET exam, like the GED®, is challenging, and optimal preparation is the key to success. On average, HiSET students need about 2 to 3 months to get sufficiently prepared.

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Maine GED Test Requirements

  • To qualify for the HiSET exam, applicants cannot already hold a secondary education degree (high school or equivalent diploma).
  • Applicants cannot be registered for another educational program.
  • Applicants cannot be younger than 17 years old.
  • Proof of Maine residency is required for taking the HiSET exam for free.
  • All HiSET test-takers applicants must pass the HiSET Official Practice Test available at all Maine HiSET test centers.

Maine HiSET Price

The HiSET exam is free for Maine residents. Out-of-state test takers may also qualify for the Maine HiSET exam, but the cost will be $45 for each of the five HiSET subtests.

Like Maine residents, non-residents will receive two free HiSET retests per subject, but a test center fee ($15) will apply at all times. Retests are free for Maine residents.

Maine HiSET Online Classes

At Onsego, we realize that life can get somewhat hectic for HiSET students. So, we designed an extensive prep course that includes a wide range of online HiSET classes that explain one HiSET topic at a time.

So, the lessons offer you the complete HiSET curriculum in bite-sized chunks. This allows you to learn whenever you have a few minutes time.

Our online course also has many sample questions and practice tests. Every detail that’s on the HiSET exam is addressed, so there’s no need to worry about missing any aspect of the challenging HiSET examination.

Taking practice tests allows you to determine which academic fields you already know sufficiently and which require the most of your precious study time.

HiSET testers who reach sufficient results on the five HiSET sub-exams will receive the Maine High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma. This credential is equivalent to a high school degree. Maine’s HiSET diploma is accepted by universities, colleges, and employers across America. Read also this page about online HiSET testing.

Online Proctored HiSET exam

There is now also the option to take the HiSET exam online for qualifying students, though Maine does not offer this option. It used to be that to earn a high school equivalency diploma, your personal appearance at an official testing site was required. That has changed in many states, but not in Maine. The online HiSET test is called the HiSET-Exam-At-Home.

How To Start Your Preparation

The probably best way to start your HiSET preparation is by taking several practice tests. This will allow you to see which academic fields you already command and which fields need the most of your time and attention.

If online learning and Onsego’s practice tests and video lessons are a good fit for you, just sign up for the extensive, accredited Onsego course and earn your HiSET diploma fast.

FAQ About HiSET In Maine

How to get a Maine GED diploma?

Maine is using the HiSET exam for high school equivalency (HSE) testing. To acquire your HSE credential in Maine, you must pass the five subtests that the HiSET exam is made up of. The five subtests cover Language Reading, Language Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science.

What are the Maine HiSET testing requirements?

HiSET testing is for adults who have never completed high school. The minimum age for HiSET testing in Maine is 17, but 17-year-olds must meet pretty strict additional criteria. State residency is required to test for free, but non-residents may also take the test. All applicants must attain passing scores on the Official HiSET Practice Test.

What is the HiSET cost in Maine?

For state residents, HiSET testing is free in Maine. Non-residents can also take the HiSET exam here, but they’ll have to pay $45 for each of the five HiSET subtests. Non-residents will also receive two free retests, but a $15 test center fee applies at all times. Residents can take retests at no charge.

Disclaimer: Onsego offers an exceptional online GED and HiSET learning experience. While the information here aims to inform, cross-verifying with official HiSET sources is suggested to ensure its accuracy.