GED Maryland Requirements

Students aiming to earn their GED Maryland diploma must pass four independent GED subject tests. They can take these tests online or in a Maryland testing center.

To register for the GED® test or the GED Ready® tests, test-takers have to create an account on the website


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The four GED subtests are quite challenging assessments, and decent preparation is absolutely required. On average, GED hopefuls require some 2 to 3 months to become sufficiently prepared to sit for the GED battery successfully.

GED Maryland Test Requirements

  • GED testing in Maryland is available to students 16 years of age or older.
  • Test-takers under 19 need to meet additional, strict criteria. For instance, they must complete an official Withdrawal Form to be approved by Maryland’s GED Office. They may also qualify if they provide verification of enrollment in Home Instruction to be approved by the state’s GED Office.
  • Test-takers under 18 are not allowed to take the Online GED Exam in Maryland.
  • GED applicants cannot already hold a high school or equivalent diploma.
  • They must be residents of the state of Maryland.
  • They can also not be signed up for another school program.

GED Maryland Online Price

Maryland subsidizes GED testing for first-time GED test-takers. If you take the GED exam as a first-timer at one of Maryland’s test facilities, you pay $11.25 per subject or $45 for the entire GED battery. The regular fee is $36 per subtest, or $144 overall.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

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If you take the Maryland GED exam online, the cost will also be $11.25 but, as stated earlier, only for your first attempt. If you have to retake a subject test, the testing fee will be $36 for each of the four subtests.

For online testing, you may add the cost of four GED Ready practice tests ($28 in total) as well. For each GED subject test, there’s a GED Ready practice test, and attaining passing scores on the practice tests is a prerequisite for qualifying to take the GED tests online. The GED Ready tests must be purchased on the website for $6.99 each.

Students in Onsego’s Advantage Plans will receive the four GED Ready practice tests for free! Read also our page with more information about the Maryland online GED test.

GED Maryland Online Classes

Preparing for a GED can be a challenge with your busy schedule. At Onsego, we understand that. So we have designed a comprehensive preparatory program with online GED classes and practice tests that help you squeeze in a prep course and reach your goals.

With our online programs, there’ll be no more hours-long waiting around for your classes. We have cut up the entire GED content in bite-sized chunks and created lessons that explain the GED subject matter in small portions that are explained in an easy-to-understand way.

Our short, engaging lessons cover every element of the GED exam, and additionally, we’ll teach you some great strategies and methods to find the answer to even very complicated GED questions. You can go over every lesson as often as you need to understand the subject at hand.

Students in Maryland who reach a passing score on each of the four GED subtests will receive Maryland’s High School Equivalency Diploma, a credential that is all across North America accepted in lieu of a standard high school degree by universities, colleges, and employers.

Online GED Exam

So the GED exam is now also offered online. It used to be that if you wanted to earn a GED diploma, you needed to appear at a state-approved GED test center and take the four tests in person, but that has now changed!

As said before, to qualify for online testing, GED test-takers must score “green” on the GED Ready practice test. There are four GED Ready tests (one for each GED sub-exam), so that’ll be another $28 on top of the testing fees. Again, students learning in Onsego’s Advantage Plans receive 4 GED Ready tests for free.

How To Start Your GED Prep

First, take a few practice tests. That will indicate which GED subject matter you command and which areas need your time and attention most. If you know what to focus on, you will use your time more efficiently, and your GED score will improve.

If online studying is right for you, Onsego’s video lessons and practice tests will get you all set fast.

FAQ About GED In Maryland

How to get a GED Maryland diploma?

If you want to acquire your GED diploma in Maryland, you’ll have to pass the four computer-formatted tests that make up the GED high school equivalency exam. The four subtests cover Social Studies, Science, Language, and Math.

What are the GED Maryland testing requirements?

GED testing is for adults who never finished high school. In Maryland, GED test-takers must be 16 or older. For testers 16, 17, or 18 years of age, more requirements apply. In Maryland, GED testing is only available to state residents because the state subsidizes GED testing. There’s no need to first attain sufficient scores on a practice test except when you take the exam online.

What is the GED Maryland cost?

In Maryland, the GED modules cost $11.25 each or $45 for the complete exam, and this applies to both on-site and online testing but only for first-time GED testers. All others pay $36 per subject test.

You have the option to take and pay for one (or more) of the four GED tests at a time. To schedule your tests, you need to create an account on the website Online GED testing in Maryland also costs $11.75 per subject test, but only for the first attempt. Otherwise, the test fee is $36.

To qualify for online testing, however, you first need to attain passing scores (in the “green” zone) on the GED Ready practice tests that cost $6.99 and are available at You need to buy four GED Ready tests as there’s one for each GED sub-exam. That’s another $28 on top of the regular testing fees. Onsego’s Advantage students get four GED Ready tests for free.

Notice: Onsego is all about empowering you through our online GED courses. While we provide the information on this page for added convenience, we strongly encourage you to confirm these details with official sources to maintain accuracy.