Maine HiSET Online [Instead Of GED Online]

Students can not take the Maine HiSET online. The Maine HiSET exam can only be taken in a testing center. The GED test is not available in Maine.

The HiSET® exam includes five separate subtests that can be taken on a computer or on paper, and one at a time if you wish.


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To register for the HiSET exam, you must create an account at The exam is pretty challenging, and you should be optimally prepared fast!

Maine HiSET Price

The HiSET exam is free for Maine residents. Out-of-state test takers may also qualify for the Maine HiSET exam, but the cost will be $45 for each of the five HiSET subtests.

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Like Maine residents, non-residents will receive two free HiSET retests per subject, but a test center fee ($15) will apply at all times. Retests are free for Maine residents.

Maine HiSET Online Classes

At Onsego, we understand that often, your life can be somewhat hectic. So we have developed a complete prep course with online classes and practice tests that are short, bite-sized, and engaging. The lessons cover one topic at a time, so you can learn a bit whenever you have some minutes free.

Our online video classes teach you every topic that’s on the HiSET or GED exam, so you don’t need to worry that there are things you’ll miss.

HiSET Scoring

The HiSET tests are scored on a scale that goes up to 20. To pass each of the five HiSET subtests, you must attain no less than an 8-score. Your HiSET essay must have a score of at least 2, and overall, your score cannot be less than 45 points, and that excludes your essay result. You may also want to learn more about the HiSET eligibility requirements in Maine.

When you have finished your HiSET exam, your unofficial multiple-choice section results are available right after testing, while in general, the official multiple-choice scores are posted in 3 to 5 days on your HiSET account. Your scores on the writing section will be available in 6 to 10 working days on your account as well.

What’s On The HiSET Exam?

The HiSET (short for High School Equivalency Test) has five subtests in the subject fields of Social Studies, Math, Literacy Writing, Literacy Reading, and Science.

When you come to one of Maine’s official testing centers to sit for the exam, please don’t forget to bring proper government-issued identification, as outdated or expired IDs will not be accepted.

How Do I Prepare For The HiSET Exam?

The HiSET, like the GED®, is a challenging exam that requires some decent preparation, either in a classroom setting or via a good and well-structured online program such as the online GED classes by Onsego. This prep course will get you all geared up for the HiSET exam fast and efficiently.

You can very well use this online GED prep course to get ready for the five HiSET tests. Your local bookstore and community library will also have lots of prep materials available to help you get ready for the HiSET exam.

Whichever way you prefer, learning from books, at a local prep site, or online, just make sure to become properly prepared!

It’s About YOUR Future

Persons that have a Maine high school equivalency diploma will surely land a better job, and workers that hold a secondary education credential (high school or equivalent degree) generally earn some $10.000 more on an annual basis than those who don’t and the diploma also allows for a college education.

The diploma that you will be awarded upon completing the Maine HiSET test is all over America accepted and recognized in the same way as a common high school diploma by employers and educational institutions. So, what could hold you back? Get your HiSET diploma and start working toward a brighter future right away!

Disclaimer: At Onsego, one of America’s leading creators of online GED and HiSET prep courses, we aim to offer accurate and up-to-date information. Nonetheless, checking the above-given information against official HiSET sources is essential for accuracy.