GED Michigan Requirements

Students will receive their GED Michigan diploma if they pass the four independent subject tests that make up the GED test. The exam can be taken online or in a Michigan testing center.

To register for the GED® test or the GED Ready® practice tests, the students need to set up an account on the website.


Online GED Classes

Pass your GED test with ease,
it doesn’t matter when you left school

Bite-size video lessons | Practice tests with explanation | GED Skill Builders

This exam is quite challenging, and getting optimally prepared is the key to success. On average, applicants need some 2 or 3 months to sit for the exams successfully.

GED Michigan Test Requirements

  • You cannot already possess a high school or equivalent diploma.
  • You cannot be signed up for another school program.
  • You must be at least 16 years old.
  • 16 and 17-year-olds only qualify if they meet strict criteria. They must, for example, hold permission from their school boards and have parental consent.
  • Underage students (16 or 17 years old) may also qualify if they have been out of the private or public school system for at least 1 year. This waiting year requirement may be waived, however, if a superintendent or school district designee, together with a parent or guardian, decides that’s in the student’s best interest or is court-ordered in accordance with State-approved GED testing guidelines.
  • Michigan National Guard Challenge Program graduates, 16 and up, and members of the U.S. Armed Forces, 17 and up, may also qualify for GED testing, provided an official written request is made.
  • Michigan has no residency requirement.

GED Michigan Price

In Michigan, when you take the GED exam at a test center, each of the four GED subtests costs $43.50, so $174 for the entire GED battery.

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If you take the GED exam in an online format, each of the four sub-exams also costs $43,50, so your total testing cost will be $174 as well. You should, however, add the cost of four GED Ready tests ($6.99 each), bringing your total cost to $202.

To qualify for online GED testing, you must have reached “green” scores (in the likely-to-pass section) on the GED Ready test that must be purchased on the website for $6.99 each. There is a GED Ready test for each GED sub-exam, so four in total.

If you choose an Onsego Advantage Plan, however, you’ll receive four GED Ready vouchers for free, a $28 value. Check here to learn more about the Michigan online GED test.

GED Michigan Online Classes

Onsego provides a complete GED preparatory program, including GED online classes and practice tests. These online classes are a great help in taking on the GED challenge and succeeding in reaching your goals.

The video lessons are short and cover one GED topic at a time in bite-sized chunks so that you will retain the offered information better. You can learn with our short, engaging lessons whenever and whenever you like.

We’ll take you over every element of the GED exam and teach you the best strategies and techniques to produce correct answers to even the most complicated GED questions.

We’ll help you pass the GED exam, no matter your age, schedule, prior education, or knowledge level. The sooner you’ll get started, the sooner you’ll be working toward a more rewarding career and a better future. The GED diploma also qualifies for a college education, so sign up for one of Onsego’s plans today!

How To Start Your Preparation

The best and most efficient way to get started with your GED prep is by taking a few practice tests. This way, you will learn all about your weaker and stronger points, so you won’t have to waste your precious time on learning academic subject matter that you already command.

Onsego’s GED program offers you online practice tests that contain questions that resemble what you’ll find on the real GED test. If you like online learning, sign up for Onsego’s full GED prep program. Studying with the support of a good online prep course is great for students because it provides so much flexibility.

FAQ About GED In Michigan

How to get a GED Michigan diploma?

To earn your GED diploma in Michigan, you must pass four GED subtests. In Michigan, you can take the GED test online or in a testing center.

What are the GED Michigan testing requirements?

The GED is for people without a high school diploma. In Michigan, the exam is open to non-residents as well. The minimum required age is 16, but for test-takers 16 and 17 years old, additional criteria apply. There’s no need to first attend a prep course or reach satisfactory results on a practice test.

What is the GED Michigan cost?

In Michigan, the GED exam will set you back $174 for the whole battery (or $43.50 for each subtest) regardless of whether you take the exam at a GED testing site or online ($174 for the entire battery). Online testers are also required to purchase four GED Ready tests ($28 in total) and attain passing scores before they can take the four GED tests online. Onsego Advantage students will receive 4 GED Ready tests at no cost.

Kind Reminder: Onsego’s mission includes providing stellar online resources for GED preparation. Although the information here is given to aid your studies, it’s prudent to verify its accuracy with official sources for your peace of mind and the best preparation possible.