GED Oklahoma Requirements

You can get your GED Oklahoma diploma by passing the four independent GED subject tests. You can take these tests online or at one of Oklahoma’s official testing centers.

To register for the GED® exam or the GED Ready® tests, you must set up your account on the website.


Online GED Classes

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it doesn’t matter when you left school

Bite-size video lessons | Practice tests with explanation | GED Skill Builders

The GED sub-exams are challenging assessments, and becoming perfectly prepared is the key to success. Generally speaking, test-takers will need 2 to 3 months to get well prepared.

GED Oklahoma Requirements

  • In Oklahoma, the minimum age to qualify for GED or HiSET testing is 16.
  • Applicants 16 and 17 years old, however, must meet additional criteria. They must have parental consent and permission from their school districts.
  • Applicants must be Oklahoma residents.
  • Applicants cannot already hold a high school or equivalent diploma.
  • Applicants can not be signed up for another educational program.
  • In Oklahoma, there’s no requirement to attend a prep program first or reach sufficient scores on the GED Ready® practice test, except when you sit for the GED exam online.

GED Oklahoma Price

The Oklahoma GED exam costs $41 per subject test (so $164 for the entire exam) if you sit for the exam at one of Oklahoma’s state-approved GED test centers.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

Learn fast, stay motivated, and pass your GED test quickly.

If you take the Oklahoma GED exam in an online format, the cost is also $41 per subject test, so $164 in total. You should, however, also count the cost of taking four GED Ready practice tests, which will set you back an additional $28.

To qualify for the online GED test, you must first attain “green” scores (‘likely to pass’) on the GED Ready practice test available on the website at $6.99 each. There’s a GED Ready test for each GED sub-exam, so four in total, which will cost you $28.

Students signed up for Onsego’s Advantage Plans will receive four GED Ready tests for free.

GED Oklahoma Online Classes

Onsego has designed a complete GED prep course that’s qualified by GED Testing Service as one of only 20 GED preparatory programs, as being entirely in line with the current GED test.

Onsego’s course includes GED online classes and lots of practice tests. Onsego’s online GED classes include a large number of short lessons that cover just one GED topic at a time. This way, you can take on the GED challenge easily and reach your goals.

Onsego has cut up the entire GED content into small, bite-sized chunks, making the lessons engaging and the presented information easy to retain. You can watch Onsego’s short lessons whenever and wherever you want.

You’ll also learn everything about the most effective strategies to find the correct answers, even to the most challenging GED questions. Remember, the sooner you’ll begin, the sooner you’ll be working toward a brighter future. So, sign up for Onsego’s GED prep course right away.

FAQ About GED In Oklahoma

How to get a GED Oklahoma diploma?

To earn a GED in Oklahoma, you need to pass four independent GED subtests. The academic subject fields covered are Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and English Literacy (Language Arts). You can take these sub-exams in any order and one at a time if you wish. Read also this page about the online Oklahoma GED exam.

What are the GED Oklahoma testing requirements?

The GED exams offer adults who never finished high school the chance to earn a diploma that’s equivalent to a common high school degree. In Oklahoma, test-takers are not required to be state residents, nor is taking a qualification practice test required (except when taking the exam inline). The minimum age in Oklahoma is 16, though 16 or 17-year-old applicants must meet additional strict requirements.

What is the GED Oklahoma cost?

In Oklahoma, the GED exam costs $164 (or $41 per subtest) when you sit for the exam at a test center. The online GED exam also costs $41 per sub-exam, so $164 in total, but actually, you should add the $28 for four GED Ready tests as well, which will bring your total to $192. Onsego Advantage students receive four GED Ready tests at no cost.

Advisory: Onsego commits to excellence in online GED preparation. The information on this page is supplied to assist you, but for confirmation of the provided information, referring to official GED sources is essential.