The History And Evolution Of The GED Test [Infographic]

The GED test has gone through several versions as educational needs evolved with society. Throughout these changes, it has remained an essential avenue for anyone who did not finish high school. Equivalent to a high school diploma, the GED® certificate opens many doors one may have thought were closed forever.

This timeline indicates the dates of new versions of the GED test and the reasons for changes.


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Infographic with a History of the GED Test Timeline. It shows the details of 5 most important updates of the GED test since 1942.
Timeline of the GED Test updates.

Why is the GED test important?

In this day and age, not only is a high school diploma or HSE credential desirable for finding a job, it has become virtually essential.

The same goes for furthering one’s education. Without a diploma or GED certificate, it is quite challenging to find a decent job, and furthering one’s education is impossible.

For those who didn’t finish high school, or are too old to attend, obtaining one’s GED has several vital outcomes.

Reasons for obtaining one’s GED aren’t solely limited to getting a job or attending college or trade school. Whereas having a GED can improve options for obtaining a job, it may also improve one’s chances for a raise, promotion, or better job down the line.


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Another reason to earn one’s GED is to instill a sense of accomplishment and pride. Improving oneself—whether through education or other avenues—increases self-confidence and self-esteem. It can also serve as a strong reminder that one can achieve his/her goals, whatever they may be.

Obtaining one’s GED can also set a good example if one is a parent. Of course, all parents want their children to do well in school and succeed in life, and being a good role model and showing them the importance of education can go a long way.

Where to pass the GED Test 

The current test takes approximately seven hours to complete; however, test takers need not complete the test in one day. Each section can be scheduled separately at any of the 3,200 official GED test locations across the United States or online. The cost of each subject’s test varies among states.

The fastest way of getting the GED diploma is by joining accredited online GED classes, such as Onsego. Then, just follow the lessons, take quizzes, and practice tests to quickly get ready and pass the GED test.